I can't be accused of being an 'early adopter'. I definitely don't live my life on the 'bleeding edge'. You'll find me a few feet back; just close enough to peek over the bleeding edge. But only just.
When facebook was invented I thought it was a right load of old rubbish. I told Picky it'd never catch on. My mantra was that I knew who I knew and I didn't need to know who I used to know. Now, of course, I love being in touch with everyone I used to know, and at the same time I can snoop hourly - sometimes more frequently - on everyone else.
Then there's blogging. Picky loves reading her favourite blogs. She dips into a fair few of them on a fairly regular basis. Mine is partway down her list. I once told her that blogging would never catch on. And now? Well now I'm writing this and telling Picky what I'm blogging about, and she's sitting next to me telling me that I will never be accused of being an early adopter.
When the first iPad was released and I saw the queue outside the Apple store in Sydney, I thought the fanbots were stark raving mad. Then we visited our mates Dale and Tony in San Francisco, and I saw them using their iPad. I had to have one. NOW. These days I couldn't live without mine. I'd literally die on the spot if I didn't have it, and I feel lost and bereft if I ever forget it. It's a little sad I know.
There's other things too. I recently upgraded to the iPhone and now I wonder how I lived with a blackberry for so long. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I'm behind the curve, behind the 8-ball, blah blah blah.
That's why I have Picky. Well it's one of the reasons. Me & Picky. You probably haven't realised it but (and I know this will come as a complete surprise, if not a total shock) Picky is a wee bit younger than me. Yep I know, you'd never have guessed from the photos and all the other stuff.
The upside of this startling fact is that she's able to keep me abreast of all the new-fangled stuff that comes out. And she's perfectly positioned to advise me on the stuff thats 'trending'. She was even able to tell me that the word 'trending' is perfectly appropriate for use in that last sentence. That's how 'with it' she is. And how 'un-with it' I am.
Admittedly she does have to explain things to me in detail. And slowly. But I do get it. Eventually.
She recently introduced me to Instagram.
I didn't get it at first. I thought it was just the camera on my new iPhone by another name. Then I got it a bit mixed up with telegrams. Picky didn't even know what they were. There's that age gap again.
& then I got it. And now I'm addicted. I'm Instagram-ing all over the place. Right, left and centre. And I'm loving it. I've gone all creative with my iPhone. But it's a bit of fun and I love seeing other people's stuff too. If you're on there please let me know. I'd love to follow you.
I'm all over it - like a seagull into a bucket of sick prawns. If you wanna follow me and look at the amateurish stuff that I think is 'o so professional', you can follow fourseventen (that's me) or 3littlepichs (that's Picky) ... she's the one at the bleeding edge!
On Sunday I'm being introduced to Pinterest. By Picky, of course. I've already made my feelings known. It's a right load of old rubbish. It'll never catch on. Look out for my Pinterest account details over the next few weeks. & do send me yours!
Have a great weekend. Pip pip
Ps ... On Sunday I'll be tackling the tricky topic of Nigerian email scams and other less popular frauds.
Nothing wrong with being our age Dave!!! Instagram... what's that ???!