Friday, 10 February 2012

friday, I'm in love with the squealing pig

i don't care if monday's blue 
tuesday's grey and wednesday too
thursday i don't care about you
it's friday, i'm in love

it's friday & it's all about love. 
not the soppy stuff. well, maybe, sometimes. but mainly the stuff I love, you love, we love. 
why not? it's friday ... you gotta love that!

squealing pig

Some men know a thing or two about wine. other's wish they did and pretend they do. I'm in the latter group. I love me wine - I could drink it through a sweaty sock - but I have to admit that I don't know too much about it. That doesn't stop me studying the wine list at a restaurant and flicking the pages as if I'm looking for something very specific. I have even been known to look vaguely disappointed when I can't find the imaginary wine that I've spent a few minutes giving the impression that I'm desperately seeking.

still, I don't mind a drop of the old vino. given my lack of knowledge on the subject I often fall back on that age-old and typically trusted trick - choosing based on the name and the look of the label. (We've all done it, even those shaking their heads right now). 

Every now & then the trick works and I come up trumps.

Squealing Pig is a cracker. A real belter. I spotted the label first. I think it's the first time I've really laughed at the label on a bottle of wine. And the name. Squealing Pig. Ha ha! Only the Kiwi's could get away with that. I can't see the French letting that one through, no matter how good the stuff in the bottle is. I loved it - the label and the name. So I bought a bottle. And me and Picky drank the lot in one sitting. (Picky had a glass). 

It's a Savignon Blanc from the Malborough Region in the north-east of the south island of New Zealand. It's hard to go wrong with the a Sav Blanc from the Malborough Region. Most of them tend to be good, and this one has solid, oaky overtones and .....

..... y'see, there I go again, sounding like a know what I'm talking about, when in truth I bought it 'cos the label made me chuckle, and cos it's called Squealing Pig.

It's a good drop. Try it if you can get your trotters on a bottle.

Have a boozy (but seriously safe) weekend. cheers.

pip pip

ps ... I'm thinking of tackling a very tricky topic on Sunday. Parents.


  1. I've spotted some rather endearing wine labels lately...beautiful artwork and quirky words to match. They must be on to a good thing, these winemakers!

  2. they've been 'got' by marketing people I suspect Jodi!! Lol. Still, it works by the looks of it. Thx heaps for reading. Appreciate it. Me and Picky are long time readers of yours ... :-))
