Friday, 3 February 2012

friday, I'm in love

i don't care if monday's blue 
tuesday's grey and wednesday too
thursday i don't care about you
it's friday, i'm in love

it's friday & it's all about love. 
not the soppy stuff. well, maybe, sometimes. but mainly the stuff I love, you love, we love. 
why not? it's friday ... you gotta love that!


pearl loves cats. 

she can spot a cat at 100 yards through a crowded room. when she sees one, she bolts towards the poor unsuspecting thing, crouches down, or sits next to it, and says 'miaow-miaow' as many times as she can. to her they aren't cats at all. she calls them 'miaow-miaows'. we find that a bit odd given that it's far harder to say miaow-miaow than 'cat'. i suppose that's kids for you.

the cat in this picture lives on our street. pearl and the cat are in a stand-off ... well, a sit-off. the cat was going nowhere and pearl was going nowhere as long as the cat was there.

it was a long day for me and picky that day. enticing pearl away from the cat was a tricky business.

these are the kind of issues that crop up when your kid loves cats!

have a lovely weekend...pip pip

ps ... on sunday look out for an insight into the germans & their damn beach towels!


  1. Love it. Mieke is absolutely into cats, too. And dogs. And horses. Basically every single animal that crosses our way.

  2. ha ha...cute!! pearl's a wee bit scared of dogs right now...even the tiny little fluffy ones. hopefully she'll grow out of it. horses!? i think they're a bit big atm x x
