Friday, 17 February 2012

friday I'm in love ... with waffles of mass addiction

i don't care if monday's blue 
tuesday's grey and wednesday too
thursday i don't care about you
it's friday, i'm in love

it's friday & it's all about love. 
not the soppy stuff. well, maybe, sometimes. but mainly the stuff I love, you love, we love. 
why not? it's friday ... you gotta love that!


It's a fact. you have one, or even a tiny part of one, and you're hooked. With a capital H & a capital OOKED. 

They're from Barefoot Cafe in Manly. It's a tiny place. If you sneeze as you walk past you've missed it. If you don't sneeze and you spot it, you've discovered a little gem. A belter of a place. It's a simple coffee joint. It only serves coffee and chai latte. & waffles with warm chocolate sauce (wwwcs). The waffles are hot and crispy on the outside and warm and chewy on the inside. The chocolate sauce is ridiculously good. Belgian apparently, but who cares where something's from when it's that good. When it's too good to be true. But in this case it is true. & I've got a couple of lumps of lard on both of me thighs to prove it! 

When Pearl was really, really tiny, me and Picky quickly slipped into our little 'Barefoot routine. We'd wander down with Pearl in her pram for a coffee and wwwcs. Picky had chai cos she was breastfeeding and had read that coffee was bad. (is it really? I have no clue). Barefoot is about 15mins from our apartment. By the time we got there Pearl was usually asleep. 

You can go a bit barmy in those first 3 months. It can be a really hard slog - with skipped sleep, frayed nerves and short fuses. Barefoot saved us both from going loopy. The coffee would pep us up and the waffles would help to make the world seem a much better place. We'd go there alone, meet people there or just hang out whilst Pearl slept. It became a bit of a home from home for us. The haze of the first few months wasn't quite as hazy after an hour in Barefoot Cafe with a waffle and a coffee or 2.

We had a newborn baby back then. She was a perfectly good reason to eat them. I'm not sure what our excuse is now that Pearl is 20-months old. The one in the picture was scoffed only yesterday. By me. Don't worry, Picky had one too. I suspect she also had a mouthful of mine when I was taking the snap. 

have a super weekend. mine will include a wwwcs at some point, no doubt. I hope you have something just as delicious planned for your weekend. Whatever it is, enjoy!

pip pip

ps ... there's a little story about skiing and the differences between men and women heading your way on Sunday. Men, women and skiing. I thought I'd tackle something oh so simple!

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